Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

Community Leaders were educated on Land rights…

"Praja Abhilasha" which is affiliated to "Join Hands against Hunger" has organized a speciall training program for community leaders who are working with the PA network on Land Rights.

This program has been planned to conduct from 8th March to 11th 2010 by the National coordinator of PA network at the National Secretariat office premises Negombo. There were at least 25 participants representing various organizations who are working on this land issue and especially the participants could be seen from North and eastern provinces too.

As an important event of the program, the participants had prepared a special news letter to share their experience including their burning land issues.

The senior Lawyer S.G. Punchihewa, Lawyer BulathSihnghala head of the “Janawabodha Kendraya “, Herman Kumara, The National Convener of National Fisheries Solidarity Movement (NAFSO) and some special lectures served for this work.