Let us Proudly Commemorate International Year of Small Scale Fisheries & Aquaculture - 2022

People from 18 Districts gathered to Colombo to fight for Food Sovereignty.

2500 demonstrators from 18 District out of 25, were gathered to capital city of Sri Lanka to lobby against insecurity of Land, Water, seeds and asking the government to secure the food sovereignty by securing mentioned factors. Participants from each district demonstrate their own main issues related to the food sovereignty and issues were highlighted with chants, slogan Banners, placards and colorful sign boards while some groups demonstrating with street dramas and songs. Land right was a common issue in all districts, land grabbing, issues with ownership, lack of lands, and policies against ownership among the raised issues on lands. Among other topics they highlighted, human elephant conflict, IDPs issue in North and East (Mainly land issues) fisheries and farmers’ issues were noticeable. People were gathered near Viharmaha Devi Park near town council and conducted a protest march about two kilometers. During the time, about 40 police officers kept watchful eyes on the scene and it was recorded with cameras by several officers with civil cloths. Demonstration was conducted about two and half hours. See More.