NAFSO Sri Lanka provide financial assistance up to Rs. 50,000 per woman for uplift the economic situation through Income Generation Programs with the financial support of WhyHunger organization at USA. This was done at DIFSO office in Mannar, where a goods distribution program was also held there.
Suba Shini Deepa, National women coordinator of NAFSO and the coordinator of Sri Vimukthi Fisher Women‘s Organization said, "this is a result of our Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR) process on Peace conducted with the support of APWLD - Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development which helped to identify issues related to war affected women, Security, Settlement of IDP women and Livelihoods in the Northern Province districts of Mannar, Kilinochchi, Jaffna and Mullaitivu."
Altogether, we are thankful to women who are our backbone of NAFSO and their decisive role they play in this social transformation process, Herman Kumara Wijethunge, national convener, NAFSO concluded the session we held with grèat success.

ඉතාමත් සාර්තක ලෙස අවසන් වූ මෙම වැඩසටහනට සහභාගී වූ නැෆ්සෝ සංවිධානයේ ජාතික කැඳවුම්කරු හර්මන් කුමාර මහතා පවසුවේ "සමස්තයක් ලෙස නැෆ්සෝ අපගේ කොඳුනාරටිය වන කාන්තාවන්ට සහ සමාජ පරිවර්තන ක්රියාවලියේදී තීරණාත්මක කාර්යබාර්යක් ඉටුකරන කාන්තාවන්ට අප ස්තූතිවන්ත වන" බවයි..